
Amber Truisms Living / Blue Laments Armo

2008 12 semicircular LED signs, blue and amber diodes, light filter, each sized 4,8 x 53 x 27,6 cm, courtesy: The Met Hotel


Jenny Holzer is one of the most influential contemporary US artists. Her work is represented in all big collections and on exhibition in most important museums. She was born in Gal-lipolis, Ohio, USA, in 1950. After moving to New York in 1977 she started to work as a con­ceptual artist, using language as her principal expressive medium. Initially, she installed posters in public spaces; today she prefers the internet and large-scale projections, and LED technology to shape her messages in sculptural forms and publish them. While Jenny Holzer garnered wide international recognition with a large number of both completed and unfinished bodies of works, she is mostly known for her series of “Truisms” that she has been constantly expanding since 1977. Jenny Holzer is based in New York.