Untitled (Paul Wegener)

2004 oil on canvas, 120 x i6o cm, courtesy: Chandris Collection


Zbigniew Rogalski was born in 19/4 in Oqhrowa Bialoslocka in Poland. He is one of the most distinctive representatives of the current generation ol influential Polish artists. In his works photography and painting are intertwined; I he liouipe I’ueil like ellect’, ol the lesull ing compositions make for sliiniiini: ailistii; views. Ilyperiealistically painted lelleclions are superimposed onto motives that present ephemeral moments ol observation as much as reflections that interfere with them. Rogalski’s break through to international acclaim came with his “Elevator” series. They show interior views of passenger lifts. Names of prominent individuals are spelled onto a breath clouded spot on the lift’s brushed aluminum wall cladding, like the name of German actor, director and script writer Paul Wegener renowned tor his “Golem” movies from the 1920s. Zbigniew Rogalski is based in Warsaw.